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Primary resources

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Wikipedia: Primary
"Primary" es el quinto sencillo editado por la banda británica "The Cure", el primero que se extrajo de su tercer álbum, "Faith" (1981).
"Primary" comenzó a tocarse en el tour de Seventeen Seconds bajo el nombre de "Cold Colours", con una letra completamente diferente (manteniendo el estribillo), y con una línea de bajo ligeramente distinta. Como nota curiosa, a menudo, antes de tocar la canción, el grupo se la dedicaría a Ian Curtis....
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Hiexam, Fullblog, Post, Exam, Resources

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Itshow, Fullblog, Post, Exam, Resources

Pendiente de análisis


Fullblog, Post, Exam, Resources

Pendiente de análisis

Primary resources

Hi-Power T-Shirt Launcher!

[03:32] Shoot t-shirts and other objects long distances with this air powered cannon! Learn more about why you might want an agent at Get your "I Play With Lasers" T-Shirt here: Detailed Instructions for the T-Shirt Launcher at: under Resources · 30.08.2010 23:03

Primary resources

FrontierVille Cabin Hints

[03:20] By now I'm sure you've heard of FrontierVille, have started your own town, spent a few moments a day trying to figure out how to load up on the right materials and resources to do better.... How's all that going for you? Do you have piles of rotted · 15.09.2010 13:25