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Primary key

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Wikipedia: Primary
"Primary" es el quinto sencillo editado por la banda británica "The Cure", el primero que se extrajo de su tercer álbum, "Faith" (1981).
"Primary" comenzó a tocarse en el tour de Seventeen Seconds bajo el nombre de "Cold Colours", con una letra completamente diferente (manteniendo el estribillo), y con una línea de bajo ligeramente distinta. Como nota curiosa, a menudo, antes de tocar la canción, el grupo se la dedicaría a Ian Curtis....
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Bumbaron, Fullblog, Post, Consider, Party, Change, Vote, Gop, Primary, The

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bumbaron.fullblog.com.ar/post/consider-party-change-to-vote- ...
Primary key

Johnny Depp thrills in school mutiny

[02:00] Hollywood star Johnny Depp has made an unannounced visit to a London primary school after receiving a letter from one of its pupils. The actor turned up at the school in Greenwich, South London, dressed as his Pirates of the Caribbean alter-ego Capta · 07.10.2010 21:54

Primary key

Matt and Kim - Enter Stage

[02:44] 10/14/10 at the The Club Downunder in Tallahassee To see more videos from this show, check out this playlist: My primary channel: · 15.10.2010 01:45