Hola, me llamo +221771658645, tengo 24 años.
Zac Efron y Vanessa Hudgens continuar su gira promocional, ya que hacerse cargo de Tower Records en Tokio, Japón el viernes por la tarde (30 de enero). La High School Musical novios se les preguntó ac...
[00:44] Hey girlies... today is a sad day. Jasmine Villegas just helped break the hearts of millions of teen girls all over the world. But honestly, I think we should all try being happy for Justin, because this is what we are all writing about, Justin findi · 23.09.2010 11:45
[10:36] No Good Deed Summary: Adam arranges for Sarah to take an internship at his company Kristina babysits for Suze (Amanda Foreman) as she deals with her divorce Julia makes a play date for Sydney Jasmine and Crosby debate over where Jabbar should live. · 29.09.2010 21:25