Hola, me llamo +221771658645, tengo 24 años.
Hola, me llamo Gil Villegas, tengo 17 años.
Hola, me llamo Luis Villegas, tengo 31 años.
[00:44] Hey girlies... today is a sad day. Jasmine Villegas just helped break the hearts of millions of teen girls all over the world. But honestly, I think we should all try being happy for Justin, because this is what we are all writing about, Justin findi · 23.09.2010 11:45
[10:36] No Good Deed Summary: Adam arranges for Sarah to take an internship at his company Kristina babysits for Suze (Amanda Foreman) as she deals with her divorce Julia makes a play date for Sydney Jasmine and Crosby debate over where Jabbar should live. · 29.09.2010 21:25