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Entradas sobre science. Weblogs de science. SCIENCE - JELLY MAY HELP HOLD HUMAN TOGETHER...
Punching through the F Ring (NASA Cassini Saturn Mission Images) - NASA/JPL/Space Science InstituteNo soy astrónomo ni físico, pero Phil Plait, que...
[09:03] Hey guys, me and my friend, Mastersprite99 made this video for our science project, and it was so good, we had to put it on youtube! this video is about 2012 and it's theories! so please enjoy. Copyright mastersprite99 · 25.05.2011 17:28
[02:48] First installment of education in weird way. In a cubic way, I show you (and my science teacher) what I learned about rock cycle. PS: I know that is not a rock, it is a tree. That black thing isn't obsidian, it is black wool. · 08.06.2011 22:50