Ricardo Glazman - Autolavado (Car Wash). Blog de normaclardel.
Entradas publicadas por normaclardel, autor de este blog. Ricardo Glazman - Autolavado (Car Wash). Blog de normaclardel.
Hola, soy Ricardo Glazman y buscando asesoramiento para establecer un servicio de autolavado (car wash) di con estos equipos.Máquinas automáticas para lavado de automóviles, vans y pick up...
[03:06] I urge all people to wash your hand after the piss and the shit. You don't want to rub your dirty hand and spread germ everywhere! To catch Peter Chao LIVE! go to www.ticketmaster.ca and buy your tickets for "Global Comedy Fest: Best of the Fe · 12.09.2010 23:03
[00:54] Hahahha I just found this video. It is really old so lol · 18.09.2010 03:05