Entradas sobre 2010. Weblogs de 2010. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 Final...
CAMISETA DE BOCA 2009/2010. Blog de santibosterito.
Camino al mundial PUNTA DEL ESTE 2010. Blog de la profeosra FERNANDA VIERA Uruguay.
[03:10] - A Chinese airport was shut down for more than an hour last month because air traffic controllers saw what they believed to be a UFO buzzing the airport, according to reports out of the country. It is the eighth time since June that UFOs have been · 07.10.2010 04:54
[00:38] Video shot from Midtown Manhattan of the "UFOs" over NYC October 13, 2010 at around 11am · 14.10.2010 00:22