Parece que Firefox va a integrar soporte a acelerómetros en su rama base de desarrollo. Así lo ha confirmado Doug Turner uno de los responsables de...
Entradas sobre Page. Solo ayer les contábamos de Kernel Samepage Merging (KSM) y que éste sería incluido oficialmente en Linux 2.6.32. No pasaron muchas horas y esta n...
[03:16] BLOOPERS & REMIX: - Help Benny Jean improve the environment! Leave your suggestions in the comments and he'll turn his favorite two into videos next week on the 22nd! - Hey it's our very own website: Oh and our Facebook page: Want to know when · 15.10.2010 22:11
[02:45] WATCH DELETED SCENES & BLOOPERS: For thousands of years, women have had the upper hand on looking good. NOW IT'S OUR TURN! - Hey it's our very own website: Oh and our Facebook page: Want to know when we're filming and/or pooping? Now you can: · 26.08.2011 22:16