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Transmedia storytelling

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Wikipedia: Storytelling
"Storytelling" puede referirse a:
-Storytelling (álbum) álbum del violinista de jazz fusión Jean-Luc Ponty, grabado en 1989.
-Storytelling (película) película dirigida por Todd Solondz en el año 2001....
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TransMedia - Blodico

Entradas sobre Transmedia.

Transmedia storytelling

Meghan's Digital Storytelling.wmv

[02:06] Digital Storytelling Project for HACE 3000 · 22.09.2010 19:25

Transmedia storytelling

The Vagabond's House

[07:29] This story is part of a book-length poem by Don Blanding. Back in the 1940's, my dad, Art Epperson, won the Missouri State speech championship with this tale of a hopeless drifter's dream of a home. He passed on the family storytelling legacy to m · 27.11.2010 17:45