Ingredientes Cake Azúcar 50 g Azúcar 70 g Chocolate 60 g Claras 130 g Galletitas oreo 40 g Manteca pomada 120 g Yemas 140 g Crema de chocolate blanco Chocolate blan...
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Entradas sobre torta. Weblogs de torta. TORTA CON MARIPOSAS...
[00:10] Pues aki seguimos sacando la rueda para construir la moto 1000 carburacion desde casa! · 06.09.2010 11:45
[03:19] This look was inspired by the times in winter when you just sit down and drink the bubbly sweet hot chocolate, sometimes they also have that nice minty fresh taste. I decided to capture this in the look, and I really like it! I hope you do too, It is · 20.09.2010 21:45