Entradas publicadas sobre teaching. Información sobre teaching. Vivir Mi Pais. Blog de travelink.
I found an interesting article for those that are considering coming down to South America to teach English; at least in Argentina. With the economic downturn and inflation Argentina isn't the U...
[01:30] ìYÝ 8 @ DÁ 8YD YD 0°À JXä. XÀÌ Ô| ÜØÐ ÄXà ö´ää. ø ¨YÝ 8 D | | xÀÄP¬ ÝD ú´üÈä. tX ¬Ä 0° ¬Ä 4 ôìätä. 1ü D @ pÐt ôxä. · 10.09.2010 07:45
[05:31] Amy: Okay, part 3 of TAAL. No, this is not the final part. Just so you know, Blaze I co-wrote this entire thing. For those of you who don't know what an F4 tornado is, F 1-5 are classes of tornadoes, with F4 being the second most powerful. I chose F4 · 20.09.2010 21:45