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Tashannie don't bother me

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Wikipedia: Don't Bother
"Don't Bother"es el primer single del álbum "Oral Fixation Vol. 2" de Shakira, lanzado durante el último cuarto de 2005.

La canción presenta la diatriba de una mujer dejada por su novio debido a una chica que es superior a ella en casi todos los aspectos. Ella insiste en que su novio no se preocupe por haberla dejado, ya que no llorará ni morirá de decepción, en cambio, continuará con su vida. No obstante....
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Pau, Fullblog, Post, Please, Dont, Use, Technology, Bother, People

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pau.fullblog.com.ar/post/please-dont-use-technology-to-bothe ...
Tashannie don't bother me


[00:06] This Is A Test.. Dont Bother watching I dont own Movie Or audio · 03.10.2010 07:25

Tashannie don't bother me

Adventure Quest Worlds 2nd Birthday event: new armour!

[00:18] The new drop armour, weapons and AC rares from the new event. New armours are dark paladin and mirror drakath. weapon is shadowreaper of doom. There's other weaons but I didn't bother trying to get them. Also the helm is paladins curse. · 10.10.2010 20:05