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Sweating bullets

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"Sweating Bullets" (En español: Sudando Balas) es una canción del grupo de thrash metal Megadeth de su album de 1992 Countdown to Extinction. La canción fue escrita totalmente por Dave Mustaine.
La canción tiene 3 versiones la original que dura 5: 05, otra que contiene un intro de guitarra durando 5: 27 (esta version es la que aparece en el juego Guitar Hero 5) y otra (la del vídeo) que dura 4: 29....
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Sweating bullets

Snipers Ended The Philippines Hostage Taking (HQ) (please read description)

[00:35] Bullets from snipers ended the hostage drama that started at morning and lasted til about 8:40 pm. The frist real sniper shot - a faint gunshot sound - was a bulleye. This became evident as the hostage-taker's body fell at the bus door (left side of · 23.08.2010 16:31

Sweating bullets

Modern Warfare 2: Headshot (Mr. Sark & Magic Bullets) S1E21

[02:27] Download link: Click above to watch Modern Warfare 2: Headshot (Spec Ops Sniper)! Modern Warfare 2: Headshot (Mr. Sark & Magic Bullets) S1E21 Mr. Sark is here to explain the irritating phenomenon of magic bullets in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare · 09.09.2010 11:45