Hola, me llamo Romeo Cristobal Castro, tengo 17 años.
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Entradas sobre romeo. Weblogs de romeo. Mi hermanita...
[10:15] Click to watch Summary: A damaging rumor about Serena is started a mysterious student thwarts Blair's plans to secure a job as a powerful businesswoman's assistant. Tags: Gossip Girl,Columbia,Season 4,Episode 5,Goodbye,Blair,Juliet,rumor,episode,TV,E · 18.10.2010 23:25
[03:45] This is Nek0ShiChan's speed paint Well I drew it but it's for her! XD SONG: Romeo and Cinderella by Rin and Len The RM stands for Romeo Montague (which like isn't the guys actual name but since its like romeo and juliet...) BTW SHES HIS NECKLACE AND · 04.11.2010 01:25