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Sudan capital

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Wikipedia: Sudán
"Sudán", cuyo nombre oficial es "República de Sudán" o "República del Sudán", es un país de África, situado al noreste del continente y el mayor en superficie, siendo el Estado africano que comparte fronteras con un mayor número de países (nueve). Limita con Egipto al norte, el mar Rojo al noreste, Eritrea y Etiopía al este, Kenia y Uganda al sureste....
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An, 42, Capital Federal, Argentina - Dorbit

Hola, me llamo An, tengo 42 años y busco amistad, diversión.


Shoy Girl, 16, Capital Federal, Argentina - Dorbit

Hola, me llamo Shoy Girl, tengo 16 años.


Romina Ovelar, 27, Capital Federal, Argentina - Dorbit

Hola, me llamo Romina Ovelar, tengo 27 años.

Sudan capital

Video of hostage bus drama in Philippines as gunman holds tourists in Manila

[01:24] An ex-policeman armed with an automatic rifle has taken hostage a bus with 24 mostly Hong Kong tourists in the Philippine capital Manila. Nine were released and the gunman demanded to be reinstated before freeing the rest. He let go of two women, thr · 23.08.2010 14:09

Sudan capital

Raw Video: Filipino Hostage Drama

[01:47] A dismissed policeman armed with an automatic rifle seized a bus in the Philippine capital Monday with 24 passengers, most of them Hong Kong tourists, in a bid to demand his reinstatement, police said. (August 23) · 23.08.2010 14:17