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"The Devil in Stitches" es una canción escrita por Brett Gurewitz y realizada por Bad Religion. Es el primer sencillo de su album de estudio XV, The Dissent of Man, que fue lanzado el 28 de septiembre de 2010.
http: //www. thebrpage. net/news/newsID=1846
http: //hangout. altsounds. com/reviews/120766-bad-religion-the-devil-in-stitches-single....
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Stabbed, knife attack,

[01:04] stitches on my stab wound · 17.04.2011 15:15


Lucy Conquers Stairs - Part 1

[00:35] Lucy had surgery on her head and had to wear the cone of shame so that she would not rip out the stitches. This was the first time she went up the steps unassisted. (For those wondering...she was born with a scar on her head. It became infected sever · 15.06.2011 02:18