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Stian hole

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Wikipedia: Hole
"Hole" es una banda de rock alternativo/grunge formada en Los Ángeles en 1989. La banda, fundada por Courtney Love, Eric Erlandson (guitarra eléctrica) y Lisa Roberts, se separó en 2002. Lisa Roberts (bajista) abandonó el proyecto al poco de comenzar. La banda tuvo durante un periodo una alineación de tres guitarras, siendo el tercero Errol Stewert, pero el primer álbum fue realizado únicamente por Love, Erlandson....
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Stian hole

First Video from Expedition Titanic

[02:01] Some absolutely amazing video of the bow taken by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Advanced Imaging and Visualization Laboratory team with cameras mounted on Phoenix's expertly piloted ROV. · 29.08.2010 16:24

Stian hole

Extinguising the Peep Hole.

[01:42] One day my brothers were walking around the neighborhood when some old guy gave them a couple of fire extiguishers. Since my brother Anthony had made a peep hole to our bathroom the day before,we decided to mess with him while he showered. · 09.09.2010 19:45