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Sonadow yaoi

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Wikipedia: Yaoi
Es la representación romántica, artística o sexual del amor homosexual entre hombres. "Yaoi" es una abreviatura para "yama-nashi ochi-nashi imi-nashi" (que significa "sin clímax, sin resolución, sin sentido"); es un género de anime y manga muy popular en Japón y otros países del mundo. La característica principal de un manga o serie "yaoi" es el amor entre personajes masculinos. El género suele estar englobado dentro del shojo o manga orientado a chicas....
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Sonadow yaoi

The Next Mistake - Yoite/Miharu

[03:01] I started this lyke late July, and decided to finish it a couple nights ago. It took forever to render. It's also intended yaoi, but you can see it as a friendship video if you want, I think it fits Yoite's and Miharu's relationship either way. Song · 03.09.2010 07:05

Sonadow yaoi

Heaven - Junjou Romantica Tribute

[04:39] This is an AMV I made as a tribute to "Junjou Romantica" a yaoi with a beautiful storyline, and one of my faves, just as Loveless is. The song is "Heaven" by Bryan Adams. · 08.09.2010 09:25