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El "Observatorio SOAR" es un moderno telescopio óptico y infrarrojo cercano, en Cerro Pachón, Chile. Su estructura es un domo de 20 m de diámetro que alberga al espejo principal de 41 dm de diámetro y 1 dm de espesor; permite captar eventos ocurridos hace 9 mil millones de años. Fue inaugurado en abril de 2004.
Es operado por un consorcio incluyendo el Estado de Brasil, la Universidad de Míchigan....
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Publicometa, Fullblog, Post, Aprender, Soar

Pendiente de análisis

publicometa.fullblog.com.ar/post/aprender_a_soar_85118464220 ...

Decanosentimiento, Fullblog, Post, Aun, Animo, Soar

Pendiente de análisis

decanosentimiento.fullblog.com.ar/post/aun_me_animo_a_soar_4 ...

Buenosairesmagazine, Fullblog, Post, Soar, Custa, Nada, Rodrigo, Triana

Pendiente de análisis

buenosairesmagazine.fullblog.com.ar/post/soar_no_custa_nada_ ...

Pokemon D/P/Pt/HG/SS Wifi Battle #4 Vs. HELLO0709

[03:31] I didn't narrate because soar throat, but I promise guys I will make up for not narrating, next vid will have something "special" in it PLZ SUB 2 DOM he is very cool and never disappoints ALSO LEAVE A COMMENT PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ · 09.11.2010 05:45


Team Hot Wheels - The Yellow Driver's World Record Jump

[01:21] Team Hot Wheels Yellow Driver, Tanner Foust, breaks the world record for distance jump in a four-wheeled vehicle before the Indianapolis 500 on May 29th 2011. Watch what it's like to drop 10 stories down 90 feet of orange track and soar 332 feet thro · 29.05.2011 23:36