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Wikipedia: Shai Hulud
"Shai Hulud" es una banda de hardcore punk con influencias de metal progresivo, formada en Pompano Beach, Florida, la banda se mudaría en el 2000 a Poughkeepsie, Nueva York.
El nombre proviene de los gusanos de arena en la novela de Frank Herbert, "Dune".
Los dos miembros principales de Shai Hulud son Matt Fox (guitarra), quien escribe la mayor parte de la melodía y la lírica de la banda, y Matt Fletcher (originalmente guitarra....
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Poems Of Midnight

Poems Of Midnight. Blog de shaitoga.


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Entradas publicadas sobre of. Información sobre of. Poems Of Midnight. Blog de shaitoga.


Shai talking to her reflection

[00:50] Shai using my iPod recording herself · 05.01.2011 23:45


14 - If You Had Served With Donal Graeme.webm

[01:33] From the filk album "Shai Dorsai" published by dodeka records. Based on the childe cycle books of Gordon R. Dickson. The image is not from the cover of the album but from the coverart of the main novel "Dorsai!" done by Luis Royo, · 15.11.2011 04:30