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Wikipedia: Berkeley
"Berkeley" puede referirse a:
- "George Berkeley", filósofo y religioso británico, célebre representante de la escuela empirista inglesa.
- "Busby Berkeley", director y coreógrafo estadounidense.
- "Sir George Berkeley", gobernador colonial británico.
- "Lennox Berkeley", compositor británico de música culta.
- "Miles Joseph Berkeley", botánico británico.
- "Xander Berkeley", actor neoyorkino....
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Berkeley - Blodico PLUS

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Quadrotor Autonomous Flight and Obstacle Avoidance with Kinect Sensor

[02:23] This work is part of the STARMAC Project in the Hybrid Systems Lab at UC Berkeley (EECS department). Researcher: Patrick Bouffard PI: Prof. Claire Tomlin Our lab's Ascending Technologies [1] Pelican quadrotor, flying autonomously and avoiding obstac · 06.12.2010 02:03


A short video of the destruction caused by the Garden State Parkway widening

[00:59] This video shows the damage caused by the widening of the Garden State Parkway in Berkeley Township, by the bridge over Pinewald-Keswick Road. The bulldozing scraped bark and knocked over Pitch Pines. This video is being forwarded to the NJ Pinelands · 11.12.2010 09:45