biografia de nat y alex wolff. Blog de juliacoyazones.
Entradas sobre Biografía. Después de cuatro años, vuelve a salir la biografía no autorizada de Enrique Nosiglia,que escribimos con Gonzalo Álvarez Guerrero.En aquella ocasió...
Entradas sobre biografia. Weblogs de biografia. Biografía de Agustina Vera...
[08:04] Should he be hanged? Paul Begley wonders what is the real motive for this sentence of Hanging of Saddam Hussein's Former Foregin Minister Tarig Aziz age 74 just 3 months after the USA turned him over to the Irac Government......What do you think?? · 26.10.2010 19:24
[00:28] President Barack Hussein Obama received a flying book from the crowd . When someone throw a book at you, and you're a President, that doesn't say much about your leadership. · 11.10.2010 18:38