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Entradas sobre Silent Hill. Aunque a los europeos aún nos tocará esperar hasta febrero, los afortunados americanos podrán disfrutar en unos días de ‘Silent Hill: Shatter...
[03:16] I was standing next to the Seine River and heard a sound. It was the sound of a large tour bus jumping a two step curb onto a sidewalk. The bus kept going and rolled right into the river. By this time I was pulling my camera out and running. I g · 29.07.2010 23:07
[06:20] - Blue Plz! The longest running and rantiest WoW podcast around. We've seen The Day Deathwing Came, we've seen the Goblin and Worgen starting zones and their various 'epic' quests, but none can compare to this newly discovered Hillsbrad quest entitl · 21.08.2010 19:33