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Rumors and lies

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Wikipedia: True Lies
"True Lies" es una película estadounidense de 1994, dirigida por James Cameron y protagonizada por Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis y Tom Arnold en los papeles principales.
El agente secreto Harry Tasker ("Arnold Schwarzenegger") se infiltra en la mansión alpina de un contrabandista de armas en Suiza. La misión de Harry es ubicar varias cabezas nucleares robadas de Kazajistán....
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Tag: lies - Es stinkt nach Faschismus

Entradas publicadas sobre lies. Información sobre lies. Es stinkt nach Faschismus. Blog de 2009.

Rumors and lies

The Secret "8th Perk" ! Black Ops Zombies: Call Of The Dead (Read Description)

[01:09] Allot of rumors have been going on the around the !FORUMS! (Not you guys) That for defeating George whilst you have all 7 perks he will drop and 8th perk or a new perk, but i already knew all these rumours were fake and just lies. So i went ahead and · 06.05.2011 02:12

Rumors and lies

The Twilight Saga Eclipse Part 1 of 12 HD -3

[05:56] Watch Twilight Eclipse free Now @ Isabella Swan was a normal teenage girl, in a normal world. Until she met Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. Since then she has been up against a Sadistic Vampire, The Volturi and an angry werewolf, Paul. But what lies · 01.09.2010 09:45