¡Sí! Las videocámaras compactas están disputándose un mercado muy interesante y que crece, si solo necesitas una cámara para grabar algunas cosas c...
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[00:25] So I got a Flip Mino HD for Christmas! Sorry I havent put up a video in a while, i havent had time. Thanks for everything, Katii Editor: Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 Camera: Flip Mino HD HAPPY HOLIDAYS :) · 23.12.2010 19:25
[03:06] Like it? Tweet it: You can win a free Flip Mino HD camera & Signed TotallySketch T-Shirt!!! All you have to do are the following things: 1) Be Subscribed to TotallySketch 2) Favorite this video 3) Leave a comment with your favorite quote from an · 25.12.2010 19:40