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Renewable resources

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"Corriente Resources" es una corporación multinacional basada en Canadá que planea abrir una mina de cobre a cielo abierto en el bosque tropical del Ecuador.
Corriente Resources existe desde 1992. Alrededor del año 2000 entró en una alianza con la gigante minera BHP Billiton, adquiriendo concesiones mineras en el bosque tropical amazónico ecuatoriano.
Por medio de una campaña de relaciones públicas....
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Renewable Fuels Standard Joe Jobe - Blodico PLUS

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Renewable resources

Hi-Power T-Shirt Launcher!

[03:32] Shoot t-shirts and other objects long distances with this air powered cannon! Learn more about why you might want an agent at Get your "I Play With Lasers" T-Shirt here: Detailed Instructions for the T-Shirt Launcher at: under Resources · 30.08.2010 23:03

Renewable resources

FrontierVille Cabin Hints

[03:20] By now I'm sure you've heard of FrontierVille, have started your own town, spent a few moments a day trying to figure out how to load up on the right materials and resources to do better.... How's all that going for you? Do you have piles of rotted · 15.09.2010 13:25