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Remnants disturbed lyrics

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Wikipedia: Disturbed
"Disturbed" es una banda de "metal" alternativo formada en 1996 en chicago illinois, cuando Dan Donegan, Steve Fuzz Kmak y Mike Wengren se unieron al vocalista David Draiman. Draiman sugirió el nombre de la banda. Disturbed muestra fuertes influencias del "heavy metal" de los 90 incorporando solos y "riffs" de guitarra más técnicos....
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Deeply disturbed

Deeply disturbed. Blog de zeernqn.


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Remnants disturbed lyrics

Remnants Of The Last Apocalypse (LostAgony666) (Added Vocals)

[03:50] Thanks to (LostAgony666) Lyrics: breathe in breathe out just to another day. what's the point if in the end you are rewarded with nothing but pure suffocation your life is meaningless so I choke you with my words as a tool of a noose. This world is s · 10.03.2011 05:35

Remnants disturbed lyrics

The Infection by Disturbed + lyrics

[04:10] From Disturbed's new album Asylum with lyrics · 25.10.2011 12:10