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Rachael yamagata

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Wikipedia: Rachael Yamagata
"Rachael Yamagata", nacida el 23 de septiembre de 1977 en Arlington, Virginia, es una cantautora y pianista estadounidense.
Hija de padres divorciados, Rachael Yamagata dividió su tiempo entre su padre, un abogado de Washington y graduado de Harvard japonés-americano, y su madre, una artista/pintora neoyorquina de ascendencia italiana y alemana. Yamagata se graduó en la Escuela Holton-Arms de Bethesda, Maryland en 1992....
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Tve, Fullblog, Post, Where, Can, See, Internetvegalta, Sendai, Yamagata

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Rachael yamagata

Bath Tub Fun:D

[01:58] rachael didnt wanna get wet hahahaha but she recorded it:) · 17.10.2010 03:45

Rachael yamagata

Rocketeer - Rachael Lampa feat. Tyler Ward and Crew - Far East Movement Feat. Ryan Tedder - Cover

[02:45] Pick this song up on iTunes: Please put you hands together for the amazingly talented Rachael Lampa! I'm so thankful to have had this opportunity to work with her! What an awesome talent! Make sure you check Rachael out here: and follow her on twi · 22.03.2011 16:47