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Ptsd treatment

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Wikipedia: In Treatment
"In Treatment" (traducida en España como "En terapia") es una serie de televisión de HBO producida por Mark Wahlberg, sobre un psicoanalista, Dr. Paul Weston (interpretado por el actor Gabriel Byrne), y sus sesiones semanales con sus pacientes. La serie está basada en una serie israelí exitosa llamada («en terapia» en hebreo).
En abril de 2009 comenzó en la cadena americana HBO la segunda temporada de la serie....
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Prevention and Treatment of Major Blood Loss. Pier Mannuccio Mannucci MD - Blog de Anestesiología Mexicana en Internet - FULLBlog

[Prevention and Treatment of Major Blood Loss. Pier Mannuccio Mannucci MD. N Engl J Med 2007;356:2301-11]In a medical setting, surgery is the most common cause of major blood loss, defined as a loss o...

anestesiologia.fullblog.com.ar/post/prevention-and-treatment ...
Ptsd treatment

Born HIV Free: Inside - Don't Let AIDS Destroy Their Future

[01:23] Risk of infection with HIV is a real threat to babies carried during pregnancy by mothers living with the virus. But with the right treatment, no child needs to be born HIV-positive. · 01.09.2010 16:00

Ptsd treatment


[02:16] Edward understands how important it is to have your family and friends close to you when you or a loved one are hospitalized, having a baby or seeking treatment. That's why we're offering you CarePages -- a private, personalized web page -- for your · 24.09.2010 18:25