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"El Promoter Based Genetic Algorithm" ("PBGA") es un algoritmo genético para neuroevolución desarrollado por F. Bellas y R. J. Duro en la Universidade da Coruña. El PBGA evoluciona una perceptrón multicapa de tamaño variable que se codifica en secuencias de genes para construir las unidades básicas que crean la red. Cada unidad neuronal básica está precedida de un gen promotor que actúa como un interruptor determinando si esa unidad en concreto se muestra o no en la red resultante....
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Biff Collie (11/25/1926 - 2/19/1992): Country Music Disc Jockey Pioneer, Show Promoter

[03:02] Biff Collie (11/25/1926 - 2/19/1992): Country Music Disc Jockey Pioneer, Show Promoter Biff (Hiram Abiff) Collie, pioneer country disc jockey (DJ), show promoter and trade paper reporter, was born on November 25, 1926 in Little Rock, Arkansas, but r · 26.09.2010 15:45


Gay To Straight Back To LESBIAN AGAIN The Sequel pt1

[03:00] This video is a response to the Gay to Straight promoter and spokes person ( Michelle Bralts ) who pubically spoke against homosexuality, telling gays and lesbians that being Gay is a choice and an Abomination to god and that they are headed for Hel · 12.02.2011 21:45