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Printed matter

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Wikipedia: Dark Matter
"Dark Matter" es un enemigo de los juegos de Kirby el cual hizo su primera aparición en Kirby's Dream Land 2. Después siguió en los juegos de Kirby's Dream Land 3, y [[Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards]] . Dark Matter como su forma más común se puede ver como una masa de color negro de apariencia gaseosa, de aspecto similar a como si estuviese dibujada con spray. Normalmente se divide en pequeñas bolas negras del tamaño de Kirby las cuales tienen ojos naranjas....
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good matter - FULLBlog

good matter. Blog de matter.


good matter

Entradas publicadas por matter, autor de este blog. good matter. Blog de matter.


Soul is in the height - good matter - FULLBlog

Soul is in the height The philosopher says, soul and human body, just as can't be separated at moment sharpness and cutting edge. But the poet says, soul is in the height. A reason, one is perceptual;...

mattershow.fullblog.com.ar/post/soul-is-in-the-height-731236 ...
Printed matter

A Year Without Rain Lyrics - Selena Gomez

[03:20] Single available online this Tuesday 09/07 Can you feel me When I think about you With every breath I take Every minute No matter what I do My world is an empty place Like I've been wonderin the desert For a thousand days Don't know if it's a mirage · 04.09.2010 05:38

Printed matter

Super Luigi Galaxy - Episode 22

[17:33] We have a failure time trying to stop Bowser's Dark Matter Plant! Affiliated with Super Mario Wiki! Wa-hoo! · 04.09.2010 21:46