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Points of authority lyrics

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"Points of Authority" es una canción interpretada por la banda estadounidense Linkin Park. Fue lanzada como un sencillo promocional para su álbum "Hybrid Theory". El video musical consiste de un collage de varias presentaciones realizadas en 2001 y fue utilizado para promocionar el primer DVD de la banda, titulado "Frat Party at the Pankake Festival". Un remix realizado por Jay Gordon y titulado "Pts. Of. ...
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Points, entradas de points - FULLBlog

Entradas sobre points. Weblogs de points. All Points Bulletin, Lo Nuevo del Padre de GTA...


Lyrics, entradas de lyrics - FULLBlog

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Tag: lyrics - N@t & @l3x W0lff

Entradas publicadas sobre lyrics. Información sobre lyrics. N@t & @l3x W0lff. 3l m@5 ch¡d0 8l0g d3 N@t y @l3x W0lff!!!!!!!!!!!.

Points of authority lyrics

Whitechapel - Reprogrammed to Hate (Vocal Cover)

[04:15] This is me doing a cover off of a song from Whitechapel's newest album, "A New Era of Corruption." It is ALL exhales. I do slip up at points, but, as it is not my song, and i was reading the lyrics for the first time aloud, i made a few e · 31.10.2010 03:45

Points of authority lyrics

Linkin Park - Divided (Unreleased Demo 2005)

[03:40] LPUX Tracklist 01. Unfortunate (2002 Demo) 02. What We Don't Know (2007 Demo) 03. Oh No (Points of Authority Demo) 04. I Have Not Begun (2009 Demo) 05. Pale (2006 Demo) 06. Pretend To Be (2008 Demo) 07. Divided (2005 Demo) 08. What I've Done (Mike Sh · 12.11.2010 07:25