Entradas sobre Sports. Este viernes 4 y sábado 5 de Diciembre se realizará la Exposición EVA 2009, una feria donde todos los años se difunden los trabajos de la industria...
Entradas sobre Planet. Parece que el potente marketing que traía ‘Spanish Movie’ ha resultado efectivo y los espectadores han elegido esta parodia nacional co...
[04:26] Ecology /The Score featuring Planet Asia from Fashawn's debut album "Boy Meets World" in stores now. Directed by Punit Dhesi. · 03.08.2010 06:07
[02:11] "How Wall Street Made The Crisis Worse" by NPR's Planet Money in collaboration with ProPublica: This song, fondly entitled "We Didn't See It Comin", by The Gregory Brothers with some help from various titans of finance, not to me · 27.08.2010 12:12