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Pedicare stratford ct

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Wikipedia: Stratford
"Stratford" es un topónimo encontrado en muchos países angloparlantes. El nombre deriva de las palabras anglosajonas "stræt" (una calle, aunque más concretamente se refiere a una calzada romana) y "ford". Una variante del nombre es "Stretford".
-Stratford-upon-Avon, una ciudad en el sur de Warwickshire, famosa por ser el lugar donde nació el celebérrimo escritor William Shakespeare.
-Stratford-on-Avon (distrito), un distrito en Warwwickshire....
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Pedicare stratford ct

Justin Bieber singing for President Obama "Someday at Christmas" (FULL)

[04:25] These past 2 years have been amazing...I have gone from singing in my little town of Stratford to singing the same song, SOMEDAY AT CHRISTMAS by Stevie Wonder, to the President of the United States! It was an incredible honor and I was really nervou · 24.12.2009 00:34

Pedicare stratford ct

English courses in Stratford on Avon

[02:27] English Language Courses with The White Apple Company and OHC, Stratford on Avon, England · 02.03.2011 14:25