Panorama global de los temas que son noticia ahora en los blogs más influyentes de la blogosfera. Infórmate minuto a minuto de los avances en tecnología, los nuevos estrenos de cine, los resultados deportivos de la fecha y lo que sucede en los negoci ...
[01:19] Yes, we are idiots, we do very much love running after our mares in the field(: Featured- Horses: Ruler, Peaches, Snickers, && Lady. Girls: Megan, Me, Abigail, && Alot of other people lol :3 · 08.11.2010 09:25
[04:11] This has got to be the most sought after R&B remix. I had this for years as you can see the mixtape in this video. This is the first one on YouTube that has Herb McGruff. I HAD the real copy(full length) but deleted it by accident. As soon as I g · 25.11.2010 21:45