Elecciones Provinciales Generales 27 de Setiembre 2009. Para consultar padron definitivo haga click en el siguente link: http://www.tribunalelectoral.santafe.gov.ar/anteriores/elec2009/paddefgral20...
Entradas sobre 2010. Weblogs de 2010. Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 Final...
CAMISETA DE BOCA 2009/2010. Blog de santibosterito.
[01:32] John Fund of the Wall Street Journal discusses electoral trends evident on Oct. 26, 2010, one week before Election Day. Video courtesy of CarolinaJournal.tv. · 27.10.2010 02:45
[03:57] Lady Gaga joins the Semi Precious Weapons on the BMI Stage at Lollapalooza 2010. · 08.08.2010 02:16