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Operation dark heart

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Wikipedia: The Dark Heart
"The Dark Heart" es una banda chilena de hard rock, heavy metal y Romantique Rock que se esta formando en Quilpue, Belloto 2000, Valparaiso en 2010. El grupo, encabezado por los líderes y cofundador de la banda Felipe Villenas y Sebastian Rebolledo no ha pasado por una línea de numerosos cambios y controversias desde su creación....
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the angel dark - FULLBlog

the angel dark. Blog de thedark.


the dark angel comes for you

the dark angel comes for you. Blog de thedark123.


Dark, entradas de dark - FULLBlog

Entradas sobre dark. Weblogs de dark. Dark green world, moonless and solitary...

Operation dark heart

Metro Vol.1 part 1

[04:09] The dark heart of the city is the setting for this provocative exploration of power, corruption, love and betrayal in the desperate struggle to rise above the streets and stay there. · 09.10.2010 01:05

Operation dark heart

Life in a Day Teaser #2: Ron

[01:30] The second teaser trailer for "Life in a Day" features Ron, an Australian man recovering from a recent heart operation, discussing his appreciation for life and plans for the future. Don't forget to tune into the world premiere of "Lif · 18.01.2011 01:58