Dimensional 2012. Afronta tu camino con coraje, no tengas miedo de las críticas de los demás. Y, sobre todo, no te dejes paralizar por tus propias críticas.
The Kingdom (of Heaven) is inside you and it is outside you Split a piece of wood, and I am there Lift up the stone and there you will find me. ▀▄=||=ןVim Demostenes habuit=||=▄▀.
Entradas publicadas sobre 1. Información sobre 1. Dimensional 2012. Afronta tu camino con coraje, no tengas miedo de las críticas de los demás. Y, sobre todo, no te dejes paralizar por tus propias críticas.
[14:22] To celebrate the Olympics coming to London in 2012, the boys change into their skintight spandex and compete against each other in specially-designed Minecraft sporting events! For more from DaveChaos, the maker of this amazing map, check out his You · 10.08.2011 23:01
[19:50] To celebrate the Olympics coming to London in 2012, the boys change into their skintight spandex and compete against each other in specially-designed Minecraft sporting events! For more from DaveChaos, the maker of this amazing map, check out his You · 11.08.2011 22:37