OK Aqui está la version traducida de la canción Jesse...por cierto admiradoras de Alex... recuerden que Jesse es solo su prima...(aunque ya lo sabian...) ESPAÑOL: JesseTuvo dos malos añosElla esta...
I'll never let you seeThe way my broken heart is hurting meI've got my pride and I know how to hideAll my sorrow and painI'll do my crying in the rainIf I wait for stormy skiesYou won't know the rain ...
Hoy a la mañana, curiosamente, cante el estiblillo de la canción. Nunca imagine que las cosas hallan salido tan literalmente a la realidad.I´m singing in the rainjust singing in the rainwhat a glori...
[09:08] Music video by Guns N' Roses performing November Rain. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 6,894,036. (C) 1992 Guns N' Roses · 25.12.2009 10:07
[00:54] As my previous video told about low pressure which will intensifies into Depression (strong Weather System) Under the influence of this weather system widespread rain heavy at times is also expected in southern Balochistan and lower Sindh including K · 30.10.2011 22:15