Entradas sobre novelty. Weblogs de novelty. Novelty is over...
Entradas publicadas sobre corp. Información sobre corp. hablare sobre temas diversos como anime series tegnologia videojuegos futbol y entre otras cosas. el blog de la juventud todo sobre los temas mas sobresalientes de tecnologia, musica, cine, arte ...
novelty is over and the force of the contrast dulled, it ain't happiness any longer, and you have to get something fresh. Well, there's plenty of pain and suffering in heaven--consequently there's...
[02:38] According to allied media corp: American Muslims are yuppies. Younger than the average American, in college or out with a degree, like one in ten have one of those fancy degrees that allow them to ask for "Dr." as their honorific instead of · 09.09.2010 01:05
[04:23] October 03, 2010 News Corp · 03.10.2010 17:45