Entradas sobre Nottingham. Lejos de los emblemas de postal y de la manada de negocios y turistas, en South Norwood, donde no llega el metro, en la parte meridional del gran L...
Todo son cuadrados; la falsa curvatura es un puro efecto óptico. Es uno de los muchos efectos creados por Akiyoshi Kitaoka, profesor del departamen...
[03:42] 6174 is also known as Kaprekar's Constant. This video features University of Nottingham physics professor Roger Bowley, who is also featured on our Sixty Symbols channel at Follow Numberphile on Facebook at Numberphile tweets at Videos by Brady Ha · 05.12.2011 22:50
[01:41] 50 Students from Ohio University fund-raised their way to New Orleans five years after Hurricane Katrina. This video details what they found after entering an abandoned house of the east side. · 27.08.2010 01:02