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Entradas sobre Games. Hoy la cosa va de ediciones de coleccionista y si esta mañana os hablábamos de la de 'Darksiders: Warmastered Edition', ahora Capcom ha anunciado l...
[00:56] Sponsored by NEWGROUNDS.COM. Visit Newgrounds for hilarious videos and games! What happens when two kids finally get their wish of playing the GREATEST GAME EVER, HALO REACH?! Find out in the new Awesome cartoon, AWESOME Reach!!! Special thanks to Xe · 05.10.2010 01:48
[01:56] Knuckles Chaotix was a game about Knuckles and his crew on the Sega 32X. It was bad. SPONSORED BY NEWGROUNDS.COM! Go there for more movies and games! · 29.01.2011 03:37