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Moving macaco

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Wikipedia: Macaco
El término "macaco" puede referirse a:
-Macaco, animal perteneciente al orden de los primates;
-Macaco, revista infantil española fundada en 1928;
-Carlos Mario Jiménez, alias "Macaco", ex jefe paramilitar y narcotraficante comandante del Bloque Central Bolívar de las AUC;
-Macaco, grupo de música español creado en 1997;
-Macaco, la antigua capital del quilombo de Palmares....
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Moving macaco

Notre Dame WR pulls a DeSean

[00:24] Check out Moving the Chains on philly.com for more: Notre Dame WR TJ Jones lets go of the football early against Michigan. Eagles WR DeSean Jackson did the same thing against the Cowboys as a rookie. · 12.09.2010 01:11

Moving macaco

IronMans Training

[01:30] This is my first attempt at making a 'moving' animation on a mobile phone. I'm just a little bit mad sometimes!!! · 13.09.2010 01:45