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Motel shhh

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Wikipedia: Motel
250px|thumb|"Exterior del "Howard Johnson's motor lodge". "
Un "motel" es un alojamiento característico de carretera, originariamente estadounidense.
Suele estar formado por una o dos plantas a cuyas habitaciones se accede a través de un largo pasillo desde la recepción o incluso exclusivamente desde el aparcamiento. Proliferaron al lado de las grandes rutas que cruzan EE. UU.
La palabra "motel" es un acrónimo de "mo"torist ho"tel" y que describe su principal uso como hotel para un descanso en la carretera....
Wikipedia · Más información · Ocultar


MOTEL BLU MIAMI. As you enter our lobby you will be surrounded by vibrant colors and expressive décor which serves as both a compliment and innovative contrast to the original deco style of the building..


Motel, entradas de motel - FULLBlog

Entradas sobre motel. Weblogs de motel. MOTEL BLU MIAMI BEACH...


Tag: motel - FRENETICO

Entradas publicadas sobre motel. Información sobre motel. FRENETICO. .

Motel shhh

Motel 6 College Station - Bryan video tour

[00:48] Click here to check room availability: If you don't know what an Aggie is, you will by the time you leave College Station. If you don't know where to find the best lodging deal in town, you will by the time you leave Motel 6 College Station -- Bryan · 08.09.2010 01:05

Motel shhh

Flying Lotus R2D2

[00:05] Artist: Flying Lotus Track Name: R2D2 Album Name: Shhh! Released: 2008 A Coltrane through and through, Flying Lotus is the great-nephew of Alice Coltrane and a cousin of Ravi Coltrane. He is also a genuine laptop musician, with his entire set-up in t · 14.10.2010 19:45