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Entradas sobre Games. Hoy la cosa va de ediciones de coleccionista y si esta mañana os hablábamos de la de 'Darksiders: Warmastered Edition', ahora Capcom ha anunciado l...
[04:55] WheatonIMPROV presents... Faux Posse plays "Authors!" Imagine Lord of the Flies, Wikipedia, Philosophy, and Action RPG video games combine together to make Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Starring Alyssa, Duke, Jon, and Marty. Performed 20 · 18.05.2011 05:20
[00:54] So i've finally decided that I'm going to try and make a series on Youtube. I love the games Left4Dead and Heroes of Newerth so I decided to combine them. Look out 2011, we're going to ride you like a Jockey rides Ellis. The sounds I have used have · 28.07.2011 22:20