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Mfcc python

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Wikipedia: MFCC
Los "M"el "F"requency "C"epstral "C"oefficients (coeficientes cepstrales en las frecuencias de Mel) son coeficientes para la representación del habla basados en la percepción auditiva humana. Se derivan de la Transformada de Fourier (FT) o de la Transformada de coseno discreta (DCT). La diferencia básica entre FT o la DCT y MFCC es que en MFCC las bandas de frecuencia están situadas logarítmicamente (según la escala Mel)....
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Python, entradas de python - FULLBlog

Entradas sobre python. Weblogs de python. TE APLICACIONES PARA.... NADA, PERO BUE A MUCHA GENTE LE GUSTAN...


Tag: python - NSERIO

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Mfcc python

Unbelievable!!! Ball python Eats entire rat!!! Part 2!

[02:57] This may have been real stupid...I hope this doesn't kill my baby!!! I had good intentions...didn't wanna waste an animal. My boa rejected it so I tried to feed it to my python-having NO idea he would actually eat it! Thought for sure he would reje · 20.09.2010 05:45

Mfcc python

Weird News Reporter (Micallef Program)

[01:48] One of my favourite characters, featured in the first 6 episodes of season 1 of The Micallef Program. BTW Shaun Micallef is the most underrated funnyman ever. This show was on par with Monty Python. · 17.10.2010 07:45