Entradas sobre Richter. Internacional.- Una amenaza de tsunami tras un terremoto de 8,0 grados en la escala de Richter convirtió a Papúa Nueva Guinea, el epicentro, en ten...
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[01:13] Follow latest updates at and A large tsunami is sweeping through north-eastern Japan, following an earthquake thought to have been 8.9 on the Richter Scale. The first wave has also reached Russia's Kuril islands to the north, reportedly around a me · 11.03.2011 11:26
[01:15] Follow latest updates at and A large tsunami is sweeping through north-eastern Japan, following an earthquake thought to have been 8.9 on the Richter Scale. The first wave has also reached Russia's Kuril islands to the north, reportedly around a me · 11.03.2011 12:00