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Marmotte beethoven

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Wikipedia: Beethoven R
"Beethoven R. " es un grupo español de hard rock.
- "José Luis Saiz" (guitarra y coros 1998-. .. )
- "Antonio Alcoba" (batería y coros 1998-. .. )
- "Jesús González "Chechu" (guitarra 2008-. .. )
- "Juan Carlos Adeva "Moreno" (bajo 2008-. .. )
- "Alberto García" (voz 2010-. .....
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Marmotte beethoven

Fur elise (Beethoven) House Remix

[03:36] Another classic remix enjoy it :) · 16.10.2010 21:45

Marmotte beethoven

Beethoven 9 low horn solo excerpt

[01:14] I know that I rush once I get to the 8th notes and I know I crack a B-natural before I go to C. I'm just playing around and have never really seriously studied this excerpt. Thanks · 18.10.2010 01:45