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Leonid afremov

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Wikipedia: Leonid Afremov
"Leonid Afremov" (nacido en Vitebsk, en 1955) es un pintor bielorruso. Sus pinturas generalmente son paisajes y figuras coloreados vívidamente; usualmente pintados usando paleta y pintura al óleo.
Afremov se graduó de la Vitebsk Art School, fundada por Chagall en 1921 y que tuvo notables personalidades como Kazimir Malevich y Wassily Kandinsky. Cuando descubrió que sólo la propaganda comunista se vendería en la Unión Soviética....
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Leonid afremov

Korolev Leonid - Apocalypse Апокалипсис

[03:32] This is my song about Apocalypse. I am a composer, singer, pianist, and a little play on the guitar. Show you one of my songs. I would be glad if any producer interested in my music. Although this song is ready to sell to any artist. To contact me la · 10.10.2010 15:45

Leonid afremov

KABARET -- Laila Fiare (french)

[03:45] October 15, 2010 Downhouse Lounge "KABARET" vocals Laila Fiare, piano Alexander Ratmansky, bass guitar Leonid Tomilchik, saxophone Michael Seropyan, drums David Rytzarev, percussion Boris Zeldin · 15.02.2011 09:45