Obama tiene «el corazón roto» con la muerte del «gran senador de nuestro tiempo». Blog de mell11.
CORAZON GOTICO. Blog de lordhimcro... Donde los corazones se desangran en las garras de los sentimientos....
[06:00] Interviews and Behind the Scenes click For SxePhil's Commentary click BlackBoxTV Episode 1: Do Over. Directed by Filmed By (From and Original idea by SxePhil.) Starring & Also Featuring: , , Alexander Cox and Produced by Featuring music · 17.08.2010 22:45
[01:41] Click to RT Like it? Save to Favorites! Reddit! Kanye West's vision, as seen through the lens of party dudes. I recommend that you watch this in 720p HD. The original, for those who haven't seen it yet Track written and performed by Destorm Power ( · 18.08.2010 21:36